by Team Reed Foundation | Jun 3, 2020 | Blog, Charity, Team Reed Foundation
With its high infection rates, the COVID-19 virus is having a devastating effect on healthcare. Even those who are healthy are struggling due to the lack of income after global shutdowns. For those fortunate enough to have health and free time, there are plenty of...
by Team Reed Foundation | May 7, 2020 | Blog, Golf, sports, Team Reed Foundation
As most people know by now, a recent coronavirus outbreak has quickly spread around the world, prompting communities to close businesses until further notice in an effort to slow its impact. Temporarily closing business and preventing large gatherings has proven to be...
by Team Reed Foundation | May 1, 2020 | Blog, Charity, Team Reed Foundation
While every industry has been significantly affected by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, one that has experienced considerable difficulties are non-profit organizations. With one in five Americans unemployed because of the coronavirus, many individuals may not be...
by Team Reed Foundation | Apr 8, 2020 | Uncategorized
The coronavirus has impacted every industry as the outbreak spreads around the world. The United States now has the highest death and infection rate in the world, and the impact of COVID-19 is only expected to broaden as the spread continues and a recession looms. ...
by Team Reed Foundation | Mar 17, 2020 | Golf, sports, Team Reed Foundation
Every golfer uses a golf club, but not all golf clubs are created equally. Some casual and most avid and pro golfers have a favorite type of club and brand name that they use exclusively. This is because, once you’ve played enough golf, you understand that every...